Saturday, May 31, 2008


I have crossed the threshold of maturity: 18 today! It is so strange, I feel a genuine sense of pleasure at becoming one year older today, as opposed to the usual indifference which has accompanied previous birthdays. I am attributing this solely to that fact that I actually put some effort into organising some birthday celebrations this year, and this upholds my adamant belief that it is the people who celebrate with you and not the celebration itself which makes an occasion: in a way you're not even celebrating the birthday in the end - you're just marveling at simply being together, at having each other as fucking great friends. And so it is with this sentiment, as well as a terrible hangover, that I begin my blog of Tributes to those people who made my party great (Yes I'm that proud: it was fucking AWESOME), those people who threw their study out the window in favour of slaving away making playlists into the wee hours of the morning, who taped together literally hundreds of thousands of pieces of crepe paper which would never be appreciated in the way that they deserved, who generally rocked on and got everybody in the mood with a great set which no-one wanted to end, who bounced the bounce and bombed the bombs, or who simply by their natural likeability and love for fun created the atmosphere.

Let's start with Lisa. When I innocently asked her a month ago would she mind if I asked her to organise the music for the party, and she stepped up to the challenge, little did she know what would lie ahead: formatting issues, a far too extensive number of songs, crises involving arrangement on playlists and the final stretch of burning it all and hoping everyone would like it. With admirably little moaning she carried out The Task, as it was to be so befittingly capitalised, and on the night it was received extremely well. Infinite kudos and a regrettable promise to return the favour go out to her, wherever she may be, most likely somewhere between this world and that of "you-tube".

Next we move along to those who helped me get the house prepared and stocked up: Declan, who lent us the use of his car and was not only overflowing with great ideas for the party but also handled the delicate matter of getting the booze, being one of the few people there who was 'come of age'. To put it simply: if Carlsberg did friends...

Then there was Cian, who worked away through one of the hottest days of the year helping me move around furniture and clear away the breakables, not to mention the inventive creation of 'atmospheric lighting' using crepe paper, a lot of crepe paper, with never a frown. This was horribly undervalued by everyone at the party, but I still think it was worth making - it was certainly difficult enough: why don't you try sticking up paper over your bulbs so pathetic that the power of the light emitted is powerful enough to knock it to the floor? Clare D also assisted at this time, though I can't for the life of me remember what she did to help... oh well, I'm sure she was a great support. (...)

Of course it would be just immoral to go any further without giving a mention to what certain informed insider sources in the music industry are calling 'the next big thing' - yes, that's right goys - it's Funky Thursday! Having seen them play a number of times before I honestly didn't expect them to surprise me last night by how good they were; but alas, they went far beyond my expectations. 'Showstopping'; they had everyone, to borrow a well-known phrase, 'rockin' and jivin' (with jesus!)'. A special tribute to Neil should be made here for overcoming a mid-set vocal problem when in typical diva fashion he demanded pure honey to soothe his aching chords.

Ok I really would love to go on and on and on and I seriously could, but I'm very tired so I'm going to list briefly everyone else that sticks in my mind. Paul, for doing what he does best, baking kick-ass cakes (yez...). Cathy, for raising the tone somewhat with her somewhat more cool college friends who know how to play everything on the guitar ever, and for acting well the part of the cool older sister. Stef, for cleaning up the kitchen better than it has ever been cleaned up before. A number of people for just effortlessly being the ones who made friends with everyone: Hugo (everybody loves you), Clare D, Tiernan, Declan, Aido, and many more. 

The last thing goes out to everyone who came for makes a memorable birthday for me: because it's not every day you turn 18 (and people love an excuse for a party). All that's left to say is: THANK YOU!


LalalaLisa said...

Yes I do have youtube open in another tab, yes you are in France, but I'm going through my blogs and this is me saying not that it wasn't a problem, but more that it was "a pleasure" as they say, cos I do have all the best music on my ipod now=D
And it was a wicked cool party=)

Anonymous said...

I'm always up for a cake-bake. I hope you enjoyed it, I did. Thanks for a wonderful night. Paul