Friday, December 19, 2008

Frosty The Blogman

I'm off to see a showing of the Snowman in the National Concert Hall, or the 'nch' for those of us who are 'in the know' ie. completely up themselves. The National Symphony Orchestra (no abbreviation for that, 'unforch') are performing the soundtrack live as you watch the film, sitting right in front of you, live, Alive, in a state of living. I mean talk about excessive Christmas jubilations here. Getting into the spirit of things this much just seems wrong. I have a vague feeling someone should be arrested on account of this, though I know not who or why.

I will post my impressions on the morrow with any luck. Though I might not get the chance... I must apologise for my recent lack of blog-tivity, Christmas exams have taken over my life a lil' bit so whenever I find the time to blog I have nothing interesting about which to write; instead of boring you all I take the lazy way out, which works for everyone, except not everyone just me. Once these finish up and the festivities begin you can expect a little more frequency on my part. Or you can not do that, that's totally fine too... WHATEVER YOU WANT... I must go.

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