Where did it all go wrong?
Why is it that my attempts at regular posts always fizzle away into nothingness leaving behind only an orange residual liquid, like a berocca in water?
Terrible comparisons and a worryingly bad sense of humour are just a couple of items on a very long list of flaws. However, many though the problems with the blog may be, my limited study of psychology (which I started in college this year with 'mixed results') has taught me that outliers like the occasional god-awful simile are insignificant, and what I really should be looking for are the salient problematic themes. No, I didn't understand any of those terms either, but the basic jist is that I have to identify the shit aspects of the blog that are prevalent throughout, and then tell them to feck off.
And so, as I glanced over the past year of blog entries, what salient problematic themes did I find? Well I'll TELL you what salient problematic themes I found. Negativity. Negativity, negativity, NEGATIVITY. Negativity. It's everywhere I look. Apparently, in the world of me, everything is crap. I would wager that the award for most commonly used words in the blog would be closely fought for between 'Shit' and 'Fuck off'. Negativity is embedded in the walls of the blog, no - built into its very foundations.
Quite the pickle indeed is this negativity. What am I to do, just become a more positive person, just like that? This is of course impossible. Comfortingly enough people cannot change overnight. Change takes time. So instead of promising a more positive blog, I will promise to strive for a more positive blog (yes I just discovered the italics button - be afraid). I will try not to use and abuse the blog to vent negatively. I will do my best not to inject every sentence with spite and cynicism. Like a good Catholic, I will promise to try, but I'm not promising anything will come of it.
It is good to be back dear readership. POSITIVELY wonderful. Keep reading to find out what shenanigans I have been up to in my absence... it's 'juicy stuff'!
Eeep! You have no idea how good it is to read a new blog entry from you!
At once I was confronted again with those same emotions your blogs always produce in me, amusement from your awesome sense of humour and jealousy because of how well you write and convey said sense of humour.
Please keep updating!
Yeah but in fairness, people generally write blogs when they're in a bad mood (aside from Kate, who never has this problem, cos she appears to be made of sunshine). It's supposed to be that whole cathartic, get these negative emotions out some way thing, so you don't become all twisted and bitter and dead inside, so a little negativity isn't such a bad thing =P
Your new blogger name has the word incest in the middle...
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