I spent the entire day finishing the sorting of my room (I don't care if I'm a loser - it feels GRR8! (already I regret saying that)...). All of the crap I never used has been thrown away, all my notes for school and my sheet music are in reasonable order, and for the first time in about 8 years I have desk-space. To tell the truth it's pretty bare and depressing at the moment, but I've always thought it was sort of bland and cold (the heating has never worked so this is literally true) anyway. I've decided I'm going to make the best of it though - when I get the chance I'm going to paint it, knock up some shelves, buy a beanbag/reasonably soft chair, and acquire an assortment of alternative posters which make it look like I have an interest in art house cinema and old rock bands. Of course, 'when I get the chance' means after the Leaving... So I suppose, since there's nothing left to be organised, I'm going to have to actually start studying there now.
Parting thought: whenever you feel like things couldn't be worse, remember that you are not a naked mole rat:

aaaaaagh........... that rat picture is so upsetting.....
well, i don't want to go telling tales, but the naked mole rat told me he was upset by a picture of you, too. makes you wonder...
oh dear god im scarred! im going to hav nightmares of that thing looking at me....
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