Friday, May 16, 2008

New Name

So I decided to change my name, and for no reason really, other than I hated the old one and thought it was stupid and everytime I looked at it I screamed inwardly with shame and thought to myself 'I would NEVER read a blog with the name *****i*** *****h* *a***** (I can't even bare to write it out again). Thankfully now I can look at the name with some degree of...well, mild indifference; but at least I will never again find myself recoiling from the sheer tear-your-own-skin-off embarrassment whenever I see it.

Nothing much else to say with this blog; I've been spending my days practicing the piano and trying to start studying which aren't topics writing on which I can really nail you to your seat; so why not make like me and feast your ears on a bih'ra Beethoven? Hopefully I'll be able to play it this well eventually.

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